Donations | Renewing Quran memorization homes

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Renewing Quran memorization homes

Contribute now with ongoing charity to replace and renew the role of Qur’an memorization.

You can write your name or the name of someone dear to you on the donors’ wall with a share starting at 5,000 pounds, or sponsor an entire Qur’an memorization center that costs 300,000 pounds.

If you participate with a full share and want to write a name on the donors’ wall at the home, a screenshot of the donation and the name to be written will be sent in a WhatsApp message to the number 01103111843.

We are keen to achieve the highest levels of credibility and transparency, so we hope that you will follow all of the organization’s work on the ground to see the results of your donations through our Facebook page.

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Your ongoing charity brings happiness to the poor and needy

An ongoing charity to replace and renew the role of Quran memorization