Donations | Nurseries for premature babies

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Nurseries for premature babies

With your donation to nurseries for premature babies, we will be able to create the largest incubator for babies in Fayoum, which, God willing, will be able to receive 22 babies daily, and with your own hands bring another baby back to life.

⬢ You can donate the cost of the nursery, including its bed and equipment, in the amount of 100 thousand pounds.

⬢ Or donate a share worth 10.000 pounds and write the name of someone dear to you as an ongoing charity for him on the donor board inside the incubator.

⬢ Or donate what you can.

We are keen to achieve the highest levels of credibility and transparency, so we hope that you will follow all of the organization’s work on the ground to see the results of your donations through our Facebook page.


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Nurseries for premature babies

With your donation to nurseries for premature babies, we will be able to create the largest incubator for babies in Fayoum, which, God willing, will be able to receive 22 babies daily, and with your own hands bring another baby back to life.
The cost of the nursery, including the bed and equipment, is 100,000 pounds...or a share of 10,000 pounds. The names will be written on a banner hung in the nursery room, or you can donate whatever you can.