Donations | Charity Meat

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Charity Meat

Contribute with us 1 kilograms of charity meat at a cost of only 420 pounds.
The finest types of local meat, 100% from villages, are delivered to our deserving families in all governorates of Egypt.

We are keen to achieve the highest levels of credibility and transparency, so we hope that you will follow all of the organization’s work on the ground to see the results of your donations through our Facebook page.

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Contribute with us 1 kilograms of charity meat at a cost of only 420 pounds.
The finest types of local meat, 100% from villages, are delivered to our deserving families in all governorates of Egypt.
Charity is considered one of the best good deeds that has a great reward from God Almighty, especially if the charity is in the months of goodness... and in feeding the poor, as the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: O people, spread peace, provide food, and pray at night while people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace.